South Bay Women’s Network (SBWN) awarded (8) scholarships of $600 each this year to Cuesta College re-entry female students. Funds for these scholarships were raised through our Annual Summer Evening Scholarship Benefit, Pennies for College luncheon meeting fundraiser and generous donations from Corporate Sponsors and SBWN members.
2019 Scholarship Benefit- Pirate Cruise Photos
2018 Scholarship Winners
South Bay Women’s Network (SBWN) awarded scholarships of $500 each this year to Cuesta College re-entry female students. Funds for these scholarships were raised through our Summer Evening Scholarship Benefit, Women’s Wall of Fame Luncheon, Pennies for College luncheon meeting fundraiser and generous donations from SBWN members.
Scholarship winners and committee members: Christine Womack (SBWN), Monica Randeen (SBWN), Miriam Gutierrez, Carmella Roman, Shaunna Sullivan (SBWN), Belen Blanco, Amber Goodwin and Alyce Thorp (SBWN). Not pictures are Ryana Rowan and Shay Horn.
2017 Scholarship Winners
South Bay Women’s Network (SBWN) awarded six (6) scholarships of $750 this year to Cuesta College re-entry female students. Funds for these scholarships were raised through Scholarship Benefit GoFundingMe, Women’s Wall of Fame Luncheon, Pennies from Heaven luncheon meeting fundraiser and generous donations from SBWN members.
Scholarship winners and committee members: (front row) Kala Tuck, Angelica Ahumada, Sandra Gomez, Alexandria Roy, Sonia Howard (back row) Christine Womack (SBWN), Shay Horn, Monica Randeen (SBWN).
2017 Donation to Women’s Shelter Program of SLO
South Bay Women’s Network (SBWN) presented a check for $2000 to Women’s Shelter Program of San Luis Obispo. The money was raised at the South Bay Women’s Network 2016 Holiday Dinner & Benefit. Check was presented to Dr. Kirstin Rambo, Executive Director, Keith Dunlop, VP of the WSP Board and Kelsey Kehoe, Clinical Director WSP
Pictured l. to r. Kelsey Kehoe, Keith Dunlop, Dr. Kristin Rambo and Christine Womack, SBWN President
2016 Scholarship Winners
South Bay Women’s Network (SBWN) awarded ten (10) scholarships of either $500 or computers this year to Cuesta College re-entry female students. Funds for these scholarships were raised at the 2016 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Summer Evening Scholarship Benefit, Women’s Wall of Fame Luncheon, Pennies from Heaven luncheon meeting fundraiser and generous donations from SBWN members.
Scholarship winners and committee members: (l to r) Gabriela Perez , Hailey Ruby, Cindi Perry, Leilani Moulten, Christine Womack (SBWN), Amber Goodwin, Erika Piceno, Wendy Rucker, Monica Randeen (SBWN). Scholarship winners not pictured are Sylvia Gist, Christyn Horne, and Tenille Packer.